- [Condor-devel] KILLING_TIMEOUT in 7.6.0,
Dan Bradley
- [Condor-devel] New Classad difference -- do bools promote to integers?,
Greg Thain
- [Condor-devel] [Fwd: Re: New Classad difference -- do bools promote to integers?],
Erik Erlandson
- [Condor-devel] 7.6.1 branch made,
Greg Thain
- [Condor-devel] How about adding VirtualBox as another option to the VM universe?,
- [Condor-devel] how could Condor do this? (was Re: [Condor-users] Suppress Windows error dialogs popping up for crashing Condor jobs),
Todd Tannenbaum
- [Condor-devel] Condor 7.6.1 timeline?,
Brian Bockelman
- [Condor-devel] Condor disk size,
Brian Bockelman
- [Condor-devel] safe_fopen_wrapper 66% safe, safe_open_wrapper only 50% safe,
Matthew Farrellee
- [Condor-devel] sorting of groups in negotiation cycle,
Dan Bradley
- [Condor-devel] NEGOTIATOR_MAX_TIME_PER_SUBMITTER no longer useful?,
Matthew Farrellee
- [Condor-devel] public repo not up-to-date?,
Greg Thain
- [Condor-devel] Did the release date for 7.6.1 move?,
Ian Chesal
- [Condor-devel] Ticket #2192: condor_q exits with wrong return value,
Lukas Slebodnik
- [Condor-devel] Improved process tracking for RHEL4/5,
Brian Bockelman
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