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Re: [Condor-devel] Condor disk size
- Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 07:08:04 -0400
- From: Michael Hanke <michael.hanke@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-devel] Condor disk size
On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 11:08:55PM -0400, Matthew Farrellee wrote:
> Impressive.
> What do you think about making the lib names less generic, say
> libcondorutils instead of libutils? Especially since none actually
> come with headers.
> Condor libs - procd_client, daemon_core, daemon_client, procapi,
> cedar, privsep, sysapi, ccb, utils
> Very poorly named lib - condorapi (log reader not even used by dagman, iirc)
> Ok to assume elimination of --allow-shlib-undefined is left as an
> exercise for the hopelessly heroic?
That was necessary to get it to build despite the "by design" unresolved
symbols from daemoncore. That would need to be sorted out. Afterwards
sed can trim that patch to a much more compact size. At that point we
might also get to see more problems that are now shadowed by the
permissive --allow-shlib-undefined
Michael Hanke