- [Condor-devel] proposal: PREEMPT_AND_HOLD,
Dan Bradley
- [Condor-devel] Unused tests/scripts?,
Robert Rati
- [Condor-devel] Typo in x_renamebypattern.pl,
Robert Rati
- [Condor-devel] Java universe and memory,
Craig Bruce
- [Condor-devel] Let me see help, always, please?,
Ian Chesal
- [Condor-devel] disable-glibc-version-check,
Matthew Farrellee
- [Condor-devel] SCHEDD_NAME,
Greg Thain
- [Condor-devel] checkins disabled on HEAD while merging V7_1-fetchwork-branch,
Derek Wright
- [Condor-devel] Build System Change Requests,
Andy Pavlo
- [Condor-devel] trouble with condor_fix_assert and undef __GNUC__,
Dan Bradley
- [Condor-devel] BIND_ALL_INTERFACES,
Dan Bradley
- [Condor-devel] Fwd: FreeBSD 64-bit Patches,
Andy Pavlo
- [Condor-devel] starter wisdom: what happens when a job exits?,
Derek Wright
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