[Gems-users] Failed assertion in DirectoryMemory.C

Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 14:28:26 +0200 (CEST)
From: Enric Herrero <enricherrero@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Failed assertion in DirectoryMemory.C

We are running simulations with a new protocol we have
written. It worked in the tester and also while
running SPLASH2 Water-Spatial with 4,8,16 and 32
processors. But we have the following error when
simulating with 64 processors:

Processors: 64
Creating system done
Ruby initialization complete
failed assertion 'isPresent(address)' at fn
Directory_Entry& DirectoryMemory::lookup(PhysAddress)
in system/DirectoryMemory.C:132
failed assertion 'isPresent(address)' at fn
Directory_Entry& DirectoryMemory::lookup(PhysAddress)
in system/DirectoryMemory.C:132

We think that maybe it is a problem of how we
configure the simulation since the protocol worked
with the other configurations. The problem appears
only when we load ruby. We have defined the following

@boards = {0 : [[0, 4, 4096],[1, 4, 0],[2, 4, 0],[3,
4, 0],[4, 4, 0],[5, 4, 0]],
           1 : [[0, 4, 0],[1, 4, 0],[2, 4, 0],[3, 4,
0],[4, 4, 0],[5, 4, 0]],
           2 : [[0, 4, 0],[1, 4, 0],[2, 4, 0],[3, 4,
0]]} #4096 Mb of main memory

@sarek_disk_size = 4256972800L

ruby0.setparam L2_CACHE_NUM_SETS_BITS 18 #512kB/proc
ruby0.setparam g_MEMORY_SIZE_BYTES 4294967296 #32 bits

We would be very grateful if someone knows why this
error appears. Thank you.

/Marco and Enric

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