[theory students] would you guys like to go have lunch with

Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2018 15:20:16 +0000
From: JIN-YI CAI <jyc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [theory students] would you guys like to go have lunch with

our visitor Huijia (Rachel) Lin on Friday 3/2 and then have a meeting with her

on Friday 3/2 at 1:45 to 2:25ish? She has an appointment with Dept Chair at


After lunch she also has an appointment with Loris at 6355 at 1:15.

lunch is at 12:00 to 1:00pm

I need someone to be in charge (keep receipts, write down names attended.

hand in to Trish/Hillary for reimbursement later. etc.)

reserve a room for meeting etc.

One final note: Our visitor wishes not to be publicly announced as a

faculty candidate.

Have a good lunch, and a good meeting!


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