----- Original Message -----
> It has been proposed to put feature design documents in Google
> Drive, replacing the current system of attaching Microsoft Word
> documents to tickets in the wiki. Here is the current proposal:
> https://htcondor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/wiki?p=GoogleDriveWisdom
> What do you think of this plan?
Perhaps it has already been considered, but another possibility that supports group editing and basic wysiwyg formatting, and which also avoids an external google dependence, would be for CHTC to host an etherpad. We use them here quite a bit. Etherpads support basic bold/italic/underline/strike, bullet lists, indenting, and headers. They support simultaneous collaborative editing and a basic linear version history. I don't perceive much need for more than that.
I also don't really see the problem with writing them on the ticket in gt markup, but to be fair I also write C++ code for a living so my perspective on that may be extremely skewed :)