[Gems-users] Why are ocean finish times coming in negative?

Date: 12 Apr 2010 12:18:42 -0000
From: "lopamudra chatterjee" <lopamudralopa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Why are ocean finish times coming in negative?

I am running Ocean benchmark with 32 processors.
But the initialization finish time & overall finish time comes in negative.
But the correct.out file of model output has positive values althigh it is run with 1 processor

Is a negative value wrong?

Another question
The run is  taking a long time .
With 16 core , 4 L2 banks ,1 memory and 18X18 grid points it takes about 2 hours whereas I saw some one saying in the newsgroup that it runs for 18 minutes for them with 4 threads on 258 X 258 grid of integers in a 16 core machine.
I am running on a 1.3 ghz intel core2 duo machine .
So anyone has any idea why this is taking so long?


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