Re: [Gems-users] Why are ocean finish times coming in negative?

Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 08:21:25 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nilay Vaish <nilay@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Why are ocean finish times coming in negative?
The amount of time taken for GEMS to execute the Ocean benchmark also depends upon the number of time steps for which the Ocean simulation is carried out.


On Mon, 12 Apr 2010, lopamudra chatterjee wrote:


I am running Ocean benchmark with 32 processors.
But the initialization finish time &amp; overall finish time comes in negative.
But the correct.out file of model output has positive values althigh it is run with 1 processor

Is a negative value wrong?

Another question
The run is&nbsp; taking a long time .
With 16 core , 4 L2 banks ,1 memory and 18X18 grid points it takes about 2 hours whereas I saw some one saying in the newsgroup that it runs for 18 minutes for them with 4 threads on

	258 X 258 grid of integers in a 16 core machine.
I am running on a 1.3 ghz intel core2 duo machine .
So anyone has any idea why this is taking so long?


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