Re: [Gems-users] LogTM Transactions Hanging (Gems 2.1)

Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 09:18:34 +0200
From: Javier Merino <jmerino@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] LogTM Transactions Hanging (Gems 2.1)
Fuad Tabba wrote:
> > I am not sure what instruction-cache-access-trace is and how it differs
> > from instruction-fetch-trace. The difference
> > if any could also affect trap handling.
> Not really sure how why it is instruction-cache-access-trace as
> opposed to instruction-fetch-trace. Is there a parameter I could
> change?

From the serengeti reference manual:
"If [instruction-fetch-mode is] set to instruction-cache-access-trace,
the memory hierarchy will receive one (and only one) instruction fetch
every time a new cache line is accessed. [...] If set to
instruction-fetch-trace, all instruction fetches will be visible. Note
that on x86 target, instruction-cache-trace-access is not available. On
some other, instruction-fetch-trace is actually
instruction-cache-trace-access with a line size equal to
the instruction size (sparc-v9)."

Simics warns you that instruction-fetch-mode is using
instruction-cache-access-trace. It is ok, I don't think that's the
source of your problem.

Javier Merino

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