I have tested x86 ruby module, with several configurations (2 & 4 procs), and I
obtained courious results. Only 1st. processor misses, no supervisor mode
accesses, no messages for chips others than 1st.
Here is a stats file extract:
Total_misses: 9864
total_misses: 9864 [ 9864 0 ]
user_misses: 9864 [ 9864 0 ]
supervisor_misses: 0 [ 0 0 ]
instruction_executed: 88731013 [ 41394406 47336607 ]
cycles_per_instruction: 0.533477 [ 0.571768 0.499994 ]
misses_per_thousand_instructions: 0.111167 [ 0.238293 0 ]
L1D_cache_access_mode_type_UserMode: 143677 100%
MessageBuffer: [Chip 0 0, L1Cache, mandatoryQueue_in] stats - msgs:143677 full:0
MessageBuffer: [Chip 1 0, L1Cache, mandatoryQueue_in] stats - msgs:0 full:0
I repeated tests with sparc ruby module and I think results are OK. The extract
from stats file:
Total_misses: 19120
total_misses: 19120 [ 14741 4379 ]
user_misses: 5209 [ 4125 1084 ]
supervisor_misses: 13911 [ 10616 3295 ]
instruction_executed: 32813149 [ 15066729 17746420 ]
cycles_per_instruction: 0.676977 [ 0.737179 0.625866 ]
misses_per_thousand_instructions: 0.582693 [ 0.978381 0.246754 ]
Is this due to x86 beta version?
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