Re: [DynInst_API:] spack dyninst/ file changes?

Date: Sun, 04 Nov 2018 13:24:26 -0600
From: "Mark W. Krentel" <krentel@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] spack dyninst/ file changes?
I know that dyninst will download and build TBB, elfutils, boost if
they're not specified.  That's fine that you go the extra mile, but
that's not the spack way of doing things.

Spack wants to build all the prereqs itself, through the intel-tbb file.  (So, it's important to allow -D vars for all the
external prereqs.)

As for version, I suggest you leave this unspecified in the dyninst
recipe.  Just use depends_on('tbb').  This is what the packages.yaml
file is for.

Spack will take the latest version from intel-tbb by default.  So
unless there's some version that's completely incompatible, I suggest
don't add unnecessary constraints.  Let someone specify this in

Of course, if you want to update the intel-tbb recipe, that's fine,
but that's a separate question.

Btw, I was planning on making a pass over the dyninst recipe, but I'm
waiting for 10.x to be tagged and released.


On 11/04/18 08:33, Xiaozhu Meng wrote:
Hi Ben,

Dyninst will automatically download the following version of TBB:

URL_MD5 9a0f78db4f72356068b00f29f54ee6bc

It looks like this version is not in your TBB version list. Is the above not supported by spack?



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