Hi all,
Because dyninst has a new TBB dependency mods to the spack
dyninst/package.py file are necessary.
I was able to build dyninst master (dyninst@develop spack version) with
spack using these mods to the dyninst/package.py file.
Do these fit with what the dyninst team has in mind?
We need this as we have dependencies on the latest dyninst version for
Let me know, I can submit these to spack or if someone has something
better please submit it.
Jim G
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dyninst/package.py
index 5b0aea4..5fc843d 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dyninst/package.py
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/dyninst/package.py
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class Dyninst(Package):
depends_on("libdwarf", when='@:9')
+ depends_on('tbb')
depends_on('cmake', type='build')
patch('stat_dysect.patch', when='+stat_dysect')
@@ -73,6 +74,9 @@ class Dyninst(Package):
# For @develop + use elfutils libdw, libelf is an abstraction
# we are really using elfutils here
if spec.satisfies('@develop'):
+ args.append('-DTBB_INCLUDE_DIRS=%s' %
+ args.append('-DTBB_LIBRARIES=%s' % join_path(
+ spec['tbb'].prefix.lib, "libtbb." + dso_suffix))
args.append('-DLIBDWARF_INCLUDE_DIR=%s' % libelf.include)
args.append('-DLIBDWARF_LIBRARIES=%s' % join_path(
libelf.lib, "libdw." + dso_suffix))