[$LIST] IBM Research Summer Internship Program in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics (fwd)

Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 08:31:34 -0600 (CST)
From: Susan Horwitz <horwitz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [$LIST] IBM Research Summer Internship Program in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 20:53:57 -0500
From: Arcadia Kocybala <arcadia@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Dept Chairs and Faculty <Dept_Chairs_and_Faculty@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: IBM Research Summer Internship Program in Computer Science,
     Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics

IBM Research is pleased to announce the 2005 Summer Intern Program in
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematical Sciences at its
United States locations.  We are seeking highly motivated graduate and
undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing an exciting summer of
research, prototyping, and exploring new frontiers of these and related
disciplines.  Students will have the opportunity to work closely with an
outstanding research team on challenging problems that range from
leading-edge theories to real-world systems and applications.  With a
summer internship, students can experience the dynamic technical
environment of the largest industrial research organization in the world
and network with other top students from many different fields and

If you wish to be removed from e-mail announcements about our student
programs in the future, please reply to this e-mail and use the word
'Remove' in the subject line.

In Computer Science, positions will be available in the following areas:
- Algorithms and Theory                   - Multimedia

- Artificial Intelligence                       - Natural Language
- Communications and Networking           - Operating Systems
- Computational Biology                   - Performance Modeling and
- Computer Architecture                   - Programming Languages and
Software Engineering
- Data Management                   - Security
- Distributed and Fault-tolerant Computing      - Services Computing
- Graphics and Visualization              - Storage Systems
- Human Computer Interaction              - Supercomputing
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining           - User Interface
- Mobile Computing                        - Web

In Electrical Engineering, positions will be available in the following
- Computer Architecture                   - Signal Processing
- Design Automation                       - Verification Technology
- Electrical Interconnect and Packaging         - VLSI Design

In Mathematics and related fields, positions will be available in the
following areas:
- Algorithms and Theory                    - Services Computing
- Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining            - Statistics
- Operations Research

Should you wish to post the announcement of our summer internship program,
please print the attached poster PDF file.

(See attached file: poster28_05.pdf)

To apply for a summer internship, please visit
http://www.research.ibm.com/about/career.shtml with links to summer
internship opportunities at the graduate (
) and undergraduate
) level in Almaden (California), Austin (Texas), Cambridge (Mass.), and
Watson (Yorktown Heights and Hawthorne, New York).   A description of the
summer program can be found at:

For information on our research, please see
Computer Science: http://www.research.ibm.com/compsci
Electrical Engineering:
Mathematics: http://www.research.ibm.com/math

Please do NOT send me any resumes. Summer intern applications must go
through the appropriate job posting on the web sites listed above.

Dr. Arcadia Kocybala
IBM Research

Please note that there are also summer opportunities in other disciplines
such as Chemistry, Material Science and Physics - see
http://www.research.ibm.com/about/career.shtml for details.  Information on
our research labs outside of the US can be found at
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  • [$LIST] IBM Research Summer Internship Program in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics (fwd), Susan Horwitz <=