[$LIST] special seminar next week by Barbara Ryder

Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:44:49 -0500 (CDT)
From: Susan Horwitz <horwitz@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [$LIST] special seminar next week by Barbara Ryder
Barbara Ryder (from Rutgers University) will be visiting next week and
giving a talk Monday at 4pm in room 1221 (cookies at 3:30 in 2310):

CHIANTI: A Tool for Semantic Change Impact Analysis of Java Programs*
Dr. Barbara G. Ryder
Rutgers University

Small changes can have major and non-local effects in object-oriented
languages, due to the use of subtyping and dynamic dispatch. This
complicates life for maintenance programmers who need to fix bugs or add
enhancements to systems originally written by others. Change impact
analysis provides feedback on the semantic impact of an edit, that is a
set of program changes. This analysis can be used to determine the set of
tests associated with a program that are affected by a set of changes.
Moreover, if a test fails, a subset of changes possibly responsible for
the failure can be identified, as well as a subset of changes that can be
incorporated safely without affecting any existing test.

This talk on our research will cover change impact analysis, presenting
the algorithms and empirical results obtained with our CHange Impact
Analysis Tool, CHIANTI. CHIANTI is implemented in Eclipse, an open source
Java integrated development environment.

*This is joint research with Dr. Frank Tip of IBM's TJ Watson Research
Center and graduate students Xiaoxia Ren, Fenil Shah, and Max Stoerzer,
under support of NSF grant CCR-0204410. This research will be presented at
OOPSLA'04; initial concept formulation for our change impact analysis
appeared at PASTE'01.

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