PL seminar this week (Thursday 9/30 at 4 pm)

Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 14:03:11 -0500 (CDT)
From: Alexey Loginov <alexey@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: PL seminar this week (Thursday 9/30 at 4 pm)
This week's Programming Languages seminar will be held at 4 pm on
Thursday, September 30 (room 2310).  The Programming Languages
faculty (Charles Fischer, Susan Horwitz, and Thomas Reps) will briefly 
talk about their research interests and current work.

Susan Horwitz will talk about Pointer Analysis.  In order to analyze a
program that uses pointers, it is necessary to have (safe) information
about what each pointer may point to.  My recent research has included
the design of new algorithms for pointer analysis, and experiments to
compare how well various algorithms work in practice.  This talk will
give a very brief summary of the pointer-analysis problem, and a few

Tom Reps will talk about current projects involving the
instrumentation of programs to gather path-profiling information, the
use of 3-valued logic in dataflow analysis, and the computation of
numerical divided differences.

We hope to see you at the seminar!
-Alexey and Suan

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