Just a reminder --- there *will* be a PL seminar today:
Dennis Volpano is a faculty member from the Naval Postgraduate School
who is visiting for the summer. He works on language-based approaches
to security, and I asked him to give a talk about some of his work so
that people here could get to know him. -- Tom
-N Progamming Languages Seminar
-S Dennis Volpano
-F Naval Postgraduate School
-T Secrecy in Programming Languages
-D 05/13/99
-W Thursday
-M 4:00 PM
-P 2310
This talk will survey some secrecy properties proposed for
deterministic and nondeterministic programming languages. A goal is
to provide an overview of the issues in designing a language for which one
or more of these properties can be proved once and for all programs written
in the language.