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Re: [HTCondor-users] Is TRUST_DOMAIN macro a string or a list or an expression?

On 7/10/2024 5:08 PM, Marco Mambelli via HTCondor-users wrote:
When specifying TRUST_DOMAIN In the condor configuration should I consider it a string (quoted) or an _expression_?

I thought UID_DOMAIN and TRUST_DOMAIN have to be condor expressions, e.g. the first collector in COLLECTOR_HOST.
And in 2018 the GlideinWMS code had to change TRUST_DOMAIN from string to _expression_.
But now
TRUST_DOMAIN = myhost.domain.org:9618?sock=collectorRANDOM

Gives the error
07/10/24 20:14:22 (pid:88014) CONFIGURATION PROBLEM: Failed to insert ClassAd attribute TRUST_DOMAIN = myhost.domain.org:9618?sock=collectorRANDOM.  The most common reason for this is that you forgot to quote a string value in the list of attributes being added to the STARTD ad.

Thank you,

Hi Marco,

You should not need quotation marks for the value of TRUST_DOMAIN in your config file.

I just did some quick tests using HTCondor v23.8.1, and it did not seem to matter if TRUST_DOMAIN had (or did not have) quotation marks, IDTOKEN authentication continued to work, and I did not get the above "CONFIGURATION PROBLEM" error in any of the log file. 

If this is still an issue for you, could you respond with some help on how to reproduce the above, ie.
 1. the version of HTCondor you were using
 2. which log file contained the "CONFIGURATION PROBLEM" error message you copied above
 3. anything in particular you did you emit that error message (e.g. did it happen on daemon startup?  when using an IDTOKEN to authenticate?)
