Hi Jaime,
Can I ask questions?
1. We are using the equation you suggested to calculate the CpusUsage (=cpu utilization).
The task requests 2 cpus and we can calculate the CpusUsage like
RequestCpus = 2
(RemoteSysCpu + RemoteUserCpu) / CommittedTime
(180.0 + 212.0) /25 =15.68
How can we interpret the values? How come (RemoteSysCpu + RemoteUserCpu) is bigger than `CommittedTime`?
is CpusUsage supposed to be equal to or lower than the `RequestCpus`?
2. We have another question on `MemoryUsage`.
We have the below numbers
condor_history -l 1129923 | grep ResidentSetSize
MemoryUsage = ((ResidentSetSize + 1023) / 1024)
ResidentSetSize = 7500000
RequestMemory = 2048MB
((7500000 + 1023) / 1024) = 7325.2 MB
The question is how come a task can use 7325MB even the `RequestMemory` is 2048MB.
Please note that we also have a policy like
Requirements = (isUndefined(TARGET.AliveUntil) ? true : TARGET.AliveUntil > time() + (0 * 60)) && (TARGET.Arch == "X86_64") && (TARGET.OpSys == "LINUX") && (TARGET.Disk >= RequestDisk) && (TARGET.Memory >= RequestMemory) && (TARGET.Cpus >= RequestCpus) && ((TARGET.FileSystemDomain == MY.FileSystemDomain) || (TARGET.HasFileTransfer))
Any comments will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Seung-Jin Sul, Ph.D.pronouns: he / his
Staff Software Developer, Tech LeadAdvanced Analysis Group
DOE Joint Genome Institute
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab