Hi Jason, Thanks for the answer. So you are confirming to me that it is possible to run a Python program on a machine that is not part of a Condor pool (and does not have Condor installed) and still have it interact with an instance of HTCondor running in a container ? Thanks, GaÃtan
From: HTCondor-users <htcondor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On Behalf Of Jason Patton via HTCondor-users
This email originated from outside of Terma. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Gaetan, The htcondor/mini image contains network and security configuration that constrain the daemons to only listening to commands from the root user on the local interface inside the container: If you find this too restrictive, you could build your own image for testing based on the htcondor/mini or other containers with the configuration you want for your testing. You might want to look at the htcondor/base image and the other
htcondor images based on it: Jason Patton On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 11:07 AM Gaetan Geffroy <gage@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: