Submission Deadline: January
30, 2014 Emerging
Research in Cloud Distributed Computing Systems A
book edited by: Dr.
Susmit Bagchi ( Editorial Advisory Board: Dr. Vijay K.
Garg, Dr.
Sherali Zeadally, Dr.
Rajkumar Buyya, Dr.
K. Prasanna, To
be published by IGI Global:
release in the Advances in Systems Analysis, Software
Engineering, and High Performance Computing (ASASEHPC) Book
Series. The Advances
in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High
Performance Computing (ASASEHPC) Book Series brings
together research in the areas of distributed computing,
systems and software engineering, high performance
computing, and service science. This collection of
publications is useful for academics, researchers, and
practitioners seeking the latest practices and knowledge in
this field. Introduction The
of distributed computing systems is wide spread and
distributed computing applications are pervasive in the
information age of today. Grid and cloud computing systems
are different forms of distributed computing systems in
reality. Future trends indicate that, the deployment of
distributed computing systems will be proliferative in many
different computing environments such as, cloud, grid,
cluster, mobile distributed systems and embedded distributed
systems. In other words, distributed computing is and will
continue to be pervasive.
Audience The
target audiences of the book are the final year
undergraduate students, graduate students, researchers and
professionals working in the field. Recommended
topics include, but are not limited to, the following: · Distributed
computing (formal models and algorithms) · Distributed
systems and architectures · Distributed
Operating Systems · Grid
computing systems (including grid security and, performance
monitoring) · Cloud
computing systems (including models, resource management
and, security) · · Embedded
distributed computing systems (including heterogeneous
platforms) · Cluster
computing systems · Geo-distributed
systems Note:
Chapters on mathematical modeling, algorithms, architecture
design and implementations as well as performance
evaluations in any of the above mentioned areas are welcome. Submission
Procedure Step
1: Chapter proposal submission Submission: Submissions
can be forwarded electronically
(PDF) as an email-attachment to the Editor: Dr.
Susmit Bagchi,
Email: bagchidrsusmit@xxxxxxxxx Important
Dates January 30, 2014: Proposal
Deadline Publisher This
book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly
Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the Information Science
Reference (formerly Idea Group Reference), Medical
Information Science Reference, Business Science Reference,
and Engineering Science Reference imprints. For additional
information regarding the publisher, please visit This book is anticipated to be released in
2014. -- ================================================================= Ioan Raicu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) Guest Research Faculty, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) ================================================================= Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory, CS/IIT Distributed Systems Laboratory, MCS/ANL ================================================================= Editor: IEEE TCC, Springer Cluster, Springer JoCCASA Chair: IEEE/ACM MTAGS, ACM ScienceCloud ================================================================= Cel: 1-847-722-0876 Office: 1-312-567-5704 Email: iraicu@xxxxxxxxxx Web: Web: LinkedIn: Google: ================================================================= ================================================================= |