I'm not 100% sure about running MATLAB on Windows (we use Linux and OS X), but a couple of things seem wrong with the submit file. First, input = factorial.m will send the contents of factorial.m as standard input to MATLAB (i.e., as if you typed it in the terminal window). It looks like you're trying to run that .m file though with: arguments = -nojvm -r factorial So, I would remove the input line and replace it with transfer_input_files = factorial.m Next, does your factorial.m file generate a new output file or print to the screen? If it generates an output file (e.g., with MATLAB save), then it should get transferred back. Whatever you do, don't name it factorial.out, since you're already using that filename for output to the screen with output = factorial.out If you're expecting factorial.m to generate output to the screen/terminal window, then it should appear in factorial.out, not in a different file. Craig On Dec 10, 2009, at 11:30 AM, Tom T wrote:
-- Craig A. Struble, Ph.D. | 369 Cudahy Hall | Marquette University Associate Professor of Computer Science | (414)288-3783 Director, Master of Bioinformatics Program | (414)288-5472 (fax) |