From: R. Kent Wenger <wenger@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Condor-Users Mail List <condor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 12:13:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Condor-users] Please help
On Thu, 10 Dec 2009, Tom T wrote:
I am looking for solution.If any one out there can help me with this issue that will be sweet.I am submiting this issue for a second time.Pleassssssssssssssssss Help
I'm currently working on Condor 7.4 on window machines. I have one central manager(window 7),one submit and one execute machines.I've been able to run the examples successfully & even some vanilla jobs. Matlab jobs run, but don't provide the output back to the submit node . The job seems to be running and executing fine on the execute
machine, but it isn't transferring output files upon job completion to the submit machine. I’m not too sure what's going wrong but hopefully someone out there can point me in the right direction. I have attached the output files.
My submit file
# matlab.condor
executable = C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009a\bin\win32\matlab.exe
arguments = -nojvm -r factorial
universe = vanilla
requirements = ( OpSys=="WINNT51" ) && ( ARCH=="INTEL" )
input = factorial.m
should_transfer_files = yes
transfer_executable = false
when_to_transfer_output = always
notification = NEVER
log = factorial.txt
output = factorial.out
error = factorial.err
I think you want a value of ON_EXIT for when_to_transfer_output.
"always" is not a valid setting for that
parameter. (See the relevant
manual section:
Kent Wenger
Condor Team