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[Condor-users] Limit on flocked machines usage?
- Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 16:34:13 +0800
- From: <Greg.Hitchen@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] Limit on flocked machines usage?
I've been running some jobs that flock to another pool.
However only 1/2 the available machines in the remote pool
get used, even though the others couild/should satisfy the
job requirements.
Is there some sort of hard coded parameter that limits the
number of machines in a remote pool that can be used via flocking?
Greg Hitchen
CSIRO Exploration and Mining phone:+61 8 6436
Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC) fax: +61 8 6436 8555
Postal address: mob: 0407 952
PO Box 1130, Bentley WA 6102, Australia
Street Address:
26 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington WA 6151