However whenever I submit jobs to condor, it never gets executed. I get the following message when I run condor_q -analyze -- Submitter: amritaprasad : <> : amritaprasad ID OWNER SUBMITTED RUN_TIME ST PRI SIZE CMD --- 009.000: Run analysis summary. Of 2 machines, 0 are rejected by your job's requirements
2 reject your job because of their own requirements 0 match, but are serving users with a better priority in the pool 0 match, match, but reject the job for unknown reasons 0 match, but will not currently preempt their existing job
0 are available to run your job No successful match recorded. Last failed match: Wed Mar 22 10:41:09 2006 Reason for last match failure: no match found
WARNING: Be advised: Request
9.0 did not match any resource's constraints
Could someone tell me as to why the job is being rejected. The requirements section looks fine to me. I checked this with condor_status -long as suggested in one message thread regarding this same question. condor_status -long confirmed the following
Arch = "INTEL" OpSys = "WINNT50"
I tried searching for the solution on the net before posting here. Could somebody please help me regarding this.