I've been using a pair of shellscripts to generate some jobs. The
outer one has 5 parameters, one of which is a list of data files to
I use the "foreach" construct which is C-shell specific. This
generates a submit file which contains nearly 300 jobs. The inner
script is the script "build_input" which builds separate input files
for each job. (The executable has many parameters.)
If the list of files is "files.lst" it is passed as a parameter to the
script which asigns it to a variable "list_name",
foreach f (`cat ${list_name}`)
set db = ${f:r}
./build_input $db $max_mols $rank_mols
echo "transfer_input_files = ${db}.in, ${f}, ... etc" >>
echo "Arguments = -i ${db}.in -o ${db}.out.txt\n" >> ${submit_file}
echo "Queue\n\n" >> ${submit_file}
Depending on how your parameters vary, you may need some nested for
loops to do something similar.
Hope this helps.
Phil Crawford
Philip Crawford, B. Comp. Sc., MIEEE
Structural BioInformatics and Drug Design Group
School of Medical Sciences
The University of NSW
Phone: +61-2-9385 2564
Mobile: +61-419-294 698
Fax: +61-2-9385 1059
Email: p.crawford@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:p.crawford@xxxxxxxxxxx>
*From:* condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of *Bruno Goncalves
*Sent:* Tuesday, 6 September 2005 4:24 AM
*To:* Condor-Users Mail List
*Subject:* Re: [Condor-users] Help:How to change the arguments in the
You can do something like this:
Arguments = arg1 arg2 arg3...
Queue 1
Arguments = arg1' arg2' arg3' ...
Queue 1
Just list all the different input arguments you need to run and queue
a different job for each of them.
On 9/5/05, *éæ* <lumiousy@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:lumiousy@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
I have to run a program with a lot of different arguments,
but i don't know how to change them automatically.
Could anybody help me please?
for example: the program test.exe have 5 arguments, the first
is constant 5,the second varies from 0 to 100, so does the third
and the forth.How can i write the submit file to let the job run
with different arguments by themselves .
I am looking forward to it!!! Thank you!!!
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Bruno Miguel Tavares Goncalves, MS
PhD Candiate
Emory University
Department of Physics
Office No. N117-C
400 Dowman Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Homepage: www.bgoncalves.com <http://www.bgoncalves.com>
Email: bgoncalves@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:bgoncalves@xxxxxxxxx>
Phone: (404) 712-2441
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