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RE: [Condor-users] SOLUTION: Command-line install of Condor on Win32
- Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:44:09 +0800
- From: <Greg.Hitchen@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [Condor-users] SOLUTION: Command-line install of Condor on Win32
Apologies all for the formatting in the previous email.
Hopefully there are now some <CR>'s in place to make it a bit more
Probably many people have some simple dos batch files like we do
but I thought I'd share in case it's useful.
These 3 scripts allow installation, version upgrade, or config update
remotely. The caveat is that you need admin access to the PCs you want
to manage. We use a remote execution package called beyondexec, psexec
is another such program.
usage: install machine-name
mkdir \\%1\c$\condor
xcopy /s /e \\fileserver.whatever\software\condor \\%1\c$\condor
xcopy /y /s /e \\fileserver.whatever\software\condor\condor_config
reg add \\%1\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Condor /v CONDOR_CONFIG /d
reg add \\%1\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Condor /v RELEASE_DIR /d "c:\condor"
beyondexec \\%1
c:\condor\bin\install Condor Condor c:\condor\bin\condor_master.exe
reg add \\%1\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Condor /v Start /t
REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
beyondexec \\%1 -r net start Condor
usage: upgrade machine-name
beyondexec \\%1 net stop Condor
del /s /q \\%1\c$\condor\bin
xcopy /s /e /y \\fileserver.whatever\software\condor\bin
beyondexec \\%1 -r net start Condor
usage: update machine-name
copy /y \\fileserver.whatever\software\condor\condor_config
beyondexec \\%1 net stop Condor
beyondexec \\%1 -r net start Condor
If you maintain a list of machines in a text file then you can create
more batch files to do the whole bunch at once. e.g.
usage: upgrade_all
for /f %%i in (pcs.txt) do upgrade_condor_wa %%i
If you're feeling really lucky you could even try something like this
instead! Not sure if this will work, but you get the idea.
for /f %i in ('c:\condor\bin\condor_status -master') do update %i
We have some customized stuff in the config files, e.g. highport and
lowport settings so the windows gui auto install below (I don't think)
will work for us.
We also have multiple pools so have slightly different versions of the
above for each pool.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Todd Tannenbaum
> Sent: Friday, 2 September 2005 4:06 AM
> To: condor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Condor-users] SOLUTION: Command-line install of
> Condor on Win32
> Hi folks -
> Lately there have been lots of people asking about how to
> install Condor
> for Windows in an unattended / batch mode, i.e. without the
> pretty GUI.
> There are many ways to solve this problem, but here is one
> that is quite easy:
> Currently, the Condor for Windows installer is based upon
> InstallShield's
> Package for the Web (PFTW) technology. So say you download the
> self-extracting .exe file from the Condor web site, for example
> condor-6.6.10-winnt50-x86.exe.
> Then, to automate the installation of a PFTW package named
> foo.exe, you
> would first perform one installation as administrator "by
> hand" via the GUI
> to create the answer file:
> condor-6.6.10-winnt50-x86.exe /a /r /f1c:\temp\foo.iss
> In this example, the answer file is "c:\temp\foo.iss". You
> can provide
> whatever file-name you want, but notice there is no space
> between the "/f1"
> option and the filename.
> Next, to install the package completely silently using the
> same answers you
> provided above, you would run as administrator:
> start /wait condor-6.6.10-winnt50-x86.exe /s /a /s /sms
> /f1c:\temp\foo.iss
> The first /s is only needed for a completely silent
> installation. If you
> leave it off, the PFTW package will show you a status bar as
> it extracts
> the InstallShield tree to the temporary directory.
> Hope folks find this information useful. Note that in the
> (possible near)
> future we may move to an MSI based installation, but the
> above instructions
> will work as long as we continue to stick with InstallShield
> installer
> technology.
> best regards,
> Todd
> p.s. I will get this added into the manual.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Todd Tannenbaum University of Wisconsin-Madison
> Condor Project Research Department of Computer Sciences
> tannenba@xxxxxxxxxxx 1210 W. Dayton St. Rm #4257
> Madison, WI 53706-1685
> Phone: (608) 263-7132 FAX: (608) 262-9777
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