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RE: [Condor-users] SOLUTION: Command-line install of Condor on Win32
- Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:35:40 +0800
- From: <Greg.Hitchen@xxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [Condor-users] SOLUTION: Command-line install of Condor on Win32
Probably many people have some simple dos batch files like we do
but I thought I'd share in case it's useful.
These 3 scripts allow installation, version upgrade, or config update
remotely. The caveat is that you need admin access to the PCs you want
to manage. We use a remote execution package called beyondexec, psexec
is another such program.
usage: install machine-name
mkdir \\%1\c$\condor
xcopy /s /e \\fileserver.whatever\software\condor \\%1\c$\condor
xcopy /y /s /e \\fileserver.whatever\software\condor\condor_config_wa
reg add \\%1\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Condor /v CONDOR_CONFIG /d
reg add \\%1\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Condor /v RELEASE_DIR /d "c:\condor"
beyondexec \\%1 c:\condor\bin\install Condor Condor
reg add \\%1\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Condor /v Start /t
REG_DWORD /d 2 /f
beyondexec \\%1 -r net start Condor
usage: upgrade machine-name
beyondexec \\%1 net stop Condor
del /s /q \\%1\c$\condor\bin
xcopy /s /e /y \\fileserver.whatever\software\condor\bin
beyondexec \\%1 -r net start Condor
usage: update machine-name
copy /y \\fileserver.whatever\software\condor\condor_config_wa
beyondexec \\%1 net stop Condor
beyondexec \\%1 -r net start Condor
If you maintain a list of machines in a text file then you can create
more batch files
to do the whole bunch at once. e.g.
usage: upgrade_all
for /f %%i in (pcs.txt) do upgrade_condor_wa %%i
If you're feeling really lucky you could even try something like this
Not sure if this will work, but you get the idea.
for /f %i in ('c:\condor\bin\condor_status -master') do update %i
We have some customized stuff in the config files, e.g. highport and
lowport settings
so the windows gui auto install below (I don't think) will work for us.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:condor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Todd Tannenbaum
> Sent: Friday, 2 September 2005 4:06 AM
> To: condor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Condor-users] SOLUTION: Command-line install of
> Condor on Win32
> Hi folks -
> Lately there have been lots of people asking about how to
> install Condor
> for Windows in an unattended / batch mode, i.e. without the
> pretty GUI.
> There are many ways to solve this problem, but here is one
> that is quite easy:
> Currently, the Condor for Windows installer is based upon
> InstallShield's
> Package for the Web (PFTW) technology. So say you download the
> self-extracting .exe file from the Condor web site, for example
> condor-6.6.10-winnt50-x86.exe.
> Then, to automate the installation of a PFTW package named
> foo.exe, you
> would first perform one installation as administrator "by
> hand" via the GUI
> to create the answer file:
> condor-6.6.10-winnt50-x86.exe /a /r /f1c:\temp\foo.iss
> In this example, the answer file is "c:\temp\foo.iss". You
> can provide
> whatever file-name you want, but notice there is no space
> between the "/f1"
> option and the filename.
> Next, to install the package completely silently using the
> same answers you
> provided above, you would run as administrator:
> start /wait condor-6.6.10-winnt50-x86.exe /s /a /s /sms
> /f1c:\temp\foo.iss
> The first /s is only needed for a completely silent
> installation. If you
> leave it off, the PFTW package will show you a status bar as
> it extracts
> the InstallShield tree to the temporary directory.
> Hope folks find this information useful. Note that in the
> (possible near)
> future we may move to an MSI based installation, but the
> above instructions
> will work as long as we continue to stick with InstallShield
> installer
> technology.
> best regards,
> Todd
> p.s. I will get this added into the manual.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Todd Tannenbaum University of Wisconsin-Madison
> Condor Project Research Department of Computer Sciences
> tannenba@xxxxxxxxxxx 1210 W. Dayton St. Rm #4257
> Madison, WI 53706-1685
> Phone: (608) 263-7132 FAX: (608) 262-9777
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