[HTCondor-devel] Contributing to HTCondor (GCE_GAHP)

Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 03:44:48 +0000
From: Doug Strain <dstrain@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [HTCondor-devel] Contributing to HTCondor (GCE_GAHP)

My name is Doug Strain. I used to work with the Open Science Grid under Alain Roy and with the GlideinWMS team. I now work with Google and am interested in getting Condor to work (better) with GCE.

I was wondering if I could either get access to the HTCondor revision control system as well as someone to help me shepherd code changes into Condor (make sure I am not missing anything and conforming to standards, etc). Â

My commits would be mostly confined to the gce_gahp directory in order to improve condor/GCE connectivity.

Please let me know if you need any more information or would like any clarification. I would be happy to provide it.

Doug Strain

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