Re: [HTCondor-devel] Debug expressions in condor config files

Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 17:15:18 +0000
From: L Kreczko <L.Kreczko@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] Debug expressions in condor config files
Thank you all for the answers.

In the end I was able to test things via
condor_q -af Owner x509UserProxyVOName AcctSubGroup AcctGroup
'regexp("cmsprd",Owner)' 'regexp("cmspil",Owner)'
and added this to /etc/condor/condor_config.local [1]:

AcctSubGroup = \
ifThenElse(regexp("prd",Owner), "production",\
AcctGroup = strcat("group_",x509UserProxyVOName,".",AcctSubGroup)
# condor uses AcctGroup, but some monitoring scripts use AccountingGroup
# let's have both.
AccountingGroup = $(AcctGroup)
# This one is not useful for grid sites but is useful if you want to
# implement user based quotas:
# group_<name>.<subgroup>.<user name>
#AcctGroup = strcat("group_",x509UserProxyVOName,".",AcctSubGroup,".",Owner)
SUBMIT_EXPRS = $(SUBMIT_EXPRS) AcctGroup AcctSubGroup AccountingGroup



On 24 February 2014 17:00, Todd L Miller <tlmiller@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         The config language and ClassAds are not the same, so the problem
> may just be that you aren't listing AcctSubGroup in SUBMIT_EXPRS, and so
> it's undefined when AccountingGroup is evaluated.  You can try adding it to
> SUBMIT_EXPRS, or just doing the text substitution by hand.
> - Todd

  Dr Lukasz Kreczko            +44 (0)117 928 8724
  CMS Group
  School of Physics
  University of Bristol
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