[HTCondor-devel] Debug expressions in condor config files

Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2014 14:56:47 +0000
From: L Kreczko <L.Kreczko@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [HTCondor-devel] Debug expressions in condor config files
Dear experts,

I am currently trying to automatically assign groups to users based on
'Owner' and 'x509UserProxyVOName'.
For this I have put into /etc/condor/condor_config.local :
AcctSubGroup = ifThenElse(regexp("cmsprd",Owner),"cms_prod",ifThenElse(regexp("cmspil",Owner),"cms_pilot","cms"))
AccountingGroup =

However, the group stays as 'undefined' [1].
Now I would like to debug this to figure out what is going wrong.
Is it possible to log Owner, x509UserProxyVOName, AccountingGroup and
AcctSubGroup or create a script to test it before the inclusion in the
config file?


condor_q -autoformat AcctGroup | sort | uniq -c
    744 undefined

  Dr Lukasz Kreczko            +44 (0)117 928 8724
  CMS Group
  School of Physics
  University of Bristol
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