[HTCondor-devel] Conflicting hold codes?

Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 08:14:15 -0500
From: Brian Bockelman <bbockelm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [HTCondor-devel] Conflicting hold codes?

I noticed there are conflicting hold codes in src/condor_utils/condor_holdcodes.h.  CONDOR_HOLD_CODE_MaxTransferInputSizeExceeded and CONDOR_HOLD_CODE_JobOutOfResources are equal to 32.

Knowing these two features got merged at about the same time, I suspect it's just a problem with working on separate branches.

What's the procedure for cleaning this up?

Is there a reason we need the C-style linkage here?  Wouldn't we get more mileage if we used an enum and had the compiler watching our back?


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