Re: [HTCondor-devel] Conflicting hold codes?

Date: Thu, 09 May 2013 08:40:03 -0500
From: Greg Thain <gthain@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] Conflicting hold codes?
On 05/09/2013 08:14 AM, Brian Bockelman wrote:

Is there a reason we need the C-style linkage here?  Wouldn't we get more mileage if we used an enum and had the compiler watching our back?

As these numbers are visible to users in the HoldCode attrtibute, they need to be constant across condor versions, which is a bit of a trick to get right. If we rely on an enum, it is easy to have the values of the hold codes change across versions, say by a funny merge, in a way that's hard to detect just by looking at one version of the source.

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