Re: [HTCondor-devel] Ring in the New Year with new python bindings!

Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2013 22:55:00 -0600
From: Brian Bockelman <bbockelm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [HTCondor-devel] Ring in the New Year with new python bindings!
One could do that - but I imagine such a thing would be a separate library.

For the bindings, I think this level of interface is appropriate (perhaps with the exception of calling CreateJobAd(); I've found malformed ads can really muck with the schedd).  I want to provide a well-designed, safe, reliable, minimal interface to the insides of libcondor_utils.  This foundation would then serve as something others can build upon.

I worry about providing "too much" functionality in the bindings module, as the logical extreme is to completely re-implement all of the Condor client tools.  I want to steer clear of that.


On Jan 7, 2013, at 1:31 PM, John (TJ) Knoeller <johnkn@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

what about  using condor_submit -dump  to convert a submit file into a classad,  then submit it via the raw classad interface?

On 1/7/2013 10:30 AM, Jaime Frey wrote:
On Dec 28, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Brian Bockelman <bbockelm@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Submitting via a raw ClassAd interface is a touch "fun" as you get to figure out which magic attributes are required in the job (see  However, I don't plan on re-implementing condor_submit, so this interface will likely remain developers-only.

You should check out the function CreateJobAd(). It creates and returns a job ad with all of the attributes set like the schedd expects for a new job.

Thanks and regards,
Jaime Frey
UW-Madison HTCondor Project

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