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Re: [Condor-devel] What to do with .gitignore?

On 09/06/2012 06:57 PM, Brian Bockelman wrote:
Hi git experts,

What do you folks do with .gitignore?  The fact that the default one doesn't filter out build artifacts drives me nuts, as "git status" is useless mostly.

I sometimes keep mine up-to-date in my work area, but "git diff" shows the additions I made to .gitignore.  In response, I got in the habit of doing "git diff src" ... which then meant I forgot to commit changes to the build/ directory!

Any pro-tips for getting "git status" working again?  Alternately, would someone care if I committed a .gitignore that took out build artifacts?



+1 better .gitignore

Too often I: git status | less, or git status | head

