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Re: [Condor-devel] Problems compiling Condor

Stephen McGough wrote:
Dear All,

I've been trying to compile condor (both versions 7.0.3-stable and 7.1.1-devel) without success under Linux (Redhat Enterprise server 3 and Scientific Linux 3 (3.0.9)). In both cases I come up against the same problem.

When compiling classad-1.0rc5 the automated tests fail on two cases. I've attached the log file for compiling classads here.

Can anyone advise how to rectify this problem? Either changes to code / software / OS?

Many thanks,


I'd suggest looking into what tests are failing. You can go into externals/build/..., which is on the same level as src/ and config/.

Or you could disable ClassAds if you don't need them, --without-classads to configure

