Re: [Gems-users] Regarding L2 miss rate

Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 11:47:15 -0500
From: sparsh mittal ISU <sparsh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Regarding L2 miss rate
Hello Byn
Thanks for the prompt reply.In terms of the stats reported by ruby, would you explain the term,
"{# of mem accesses actually seen by L2}".
My understanding is that, global l2 miss rate is what I found, namely, L2_misses/(L1Imiss+L1Dmiss).
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Byn Choi <bynchoi1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Global L2 miss rate : {# of L2 misses}/{# of all mem accesses coming out of cores}
Local L2 miss rate : {# of L2 misses}/{# of mem accesses actually seen by L2}

Reference: Computer Architecture: a Quantitative Approach by John Hennessy and David Patterson


On Mar 16, 2010, at 11:22 AM, sparsh mittal ISU wrote:

Hello List
I searched the previous list postings a lot, however could not definitely find out the answer. I wanted to know about L2 miss rate. Is it simply L2_misses/(L1Imiss+L1Dmiss) or something else?

Thanks and Regards
Sparsh Mittal
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Thanks and Regards
Sparsh Mittal
Graduate Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Iowa State University, Iowa, USA
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