Re: [Gems-users] Issue with SLICC MOESI_CMP_L2-sim

Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2010 15:00:30 -0600
From: Muhammad Shoaib <shoaibbinalt@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Issue with SLICC MOESI_CMP_L2-sim

I have looked at the generated code earlier but nothing seems to be wrong there.


On 03/05/10, Greg Byrd <gbyrd@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Have you looked at the C++ code that's generated from SLICC to see if there's something weird happening?


Muhammad Shoaib wrote:
>With the following setting, my "print_some()" gets executed for the "apache" workload...but still cal_Time() is not invoked
> in_port(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg, GlobalRequestToL2Cache) {
>    if (requestNetwork_in.isReady()) {
>      peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) {
> print_some();
>So this employs that whenever a request (for updated copy or whatever) is forwarded to my current node, it comes out that the required address is not in the cache (is that right??). Since cal_Time() print stuff will only execute on a hit. But isn't there a contradiction ..requests are forwarded to my node because I have that cache line but they are not there!!!

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Muhammad Shoaib Bin Altaf
ECE Graduate Student
UW Madison,WI
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