[Gems-users] Issue with SLICC ...in MOESI_CMP_L2-sim

Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2010 19:58:23 -0600
From: Muhammad Shoaib <shoaibbinalt@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Issue with SLICC ...in MOESI_CMP_L2-sim


I am trying to count the number of access L2 cache has either from its private L1 or from other nodes. For this I have implemented a function "cal_Time" which keeps track of  the time between consecutive accesses to a cache line. This function prints the time using "my_print" which is an external function defined in CacheMemory.h.
void cal_Time(Address addr){
   if (L2cacheMemory.isTagPresent(addr)){
        L2cacheMemory[addr].active_time_val:= (L2cacheMemory[addr].f_time_val-L2cacheMemory[addr].i_time_val);

The problem is when i use this function in the following way it works (in my understanding with this I am tracking all requests L2 faces from its own private L1!!!)

 in_port(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg, L1RequestToL2Cache) {
    if (L1requestNetwork_in.isReady()) {
      peek(L1requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) {

But with the following stuff, when i try to track the requests from other processor nodes..nothing happens ..==> this function never gets executed ==>it never receives a request from other processors (Right??)??? But this should not be the case/....

 in_port(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg, GlobalRequestToL2Cache) {
    if (requestNetwork_in.isReady()) {
      peek(requestNetwork_in, RequestMsg) {

Any pointers/ suggestions...Am i doing something wrong here??

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