[Gems-users] Howto add new component to Chip

Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:57:57 -0400
From: "wei wang" <apollo.mobility@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Howto add new component to Chip

could anyone briefly explain how the Chip.C is generated? i know it's generated by Slicc, specifically from file SymbolTable.C. So if i want to add a new component to the Chip, i.e. a Vicitim Cache, a HW prefetcher, how should i do it? suppose i'd like to create a victim cache for L2 cache, do i need to put something like:
VictimCache L2victimCache, template_hack="<L2Cache_Entry>", constructor_hack='L2_VICTIM_CACHE_NUM_ENTRIES, MachineType_VictimCache);

to the protocol definition file? and do i need to add anything to the SymbolTable.C ? Thanks.

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