Hi everyone,
I am a beginner of GEMS/simics. I installed solaris10 on a sarek machine
with 2 cores and 512MB memory. I am trying to make the ruby and opal work
correctly now. I compiled them with MOESI_CMP_directory protocol. I use
following script to start the target machine and ruby:
read-configuration 2core.conf
cpu-switch-time 1
instruction-fetch-mode instruction-fetch-trace
load-module ruby
load-module opal
ruby0.setparam g_NUM_PROCESSORS 2
ruby0.setparam g_MEMORY_SIZE_BYTES 524288
After I run some simple program on the target machine, I call
ruby0.dump-stats. But, I always get this error message:
Segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) in main thread
The simulation state has been corrupted. Simulation cannot continue.
Please restart Simics.
I am wondering what could be the problem and where I should look at to fix
this problem. Is it because the inconsistency of ruby cache and simics
g-cache? BTW, do ruby and opal have to be loaded together? Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Xuan Qi