[Gems-users] Strange failed assertion

Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 16:22:42 -0500
From: "Lide Duan" <leaderduan@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Strange failed assertion
Hello there,

I encountered a strange failed assertion in GEMS2.1.

I was able to run some workloads before in GEMS1.4. Everything worked fine. However, I tried GEMS2.1 today using a same checkpoint, a same configuration, a same FILE_SPECIFIED simple network (I haven't tried GARNET yet). Basically everything is the same with what I did in GEMS1.4. But GEMS2.1 gave me a failed assertion:

failed assertion 'isPresent(address)' at fn Directory_Entry& DirectoryMemory::lookup(PhysAddress) in system/DirectoryMemory.C:135
failed assertion 'isPresent(address)' at fn Directory_Entry& DirectoryMemory::lookup(PhysAddress) in system/DirectoryMemory.C:135
At this point you might want to attach a debug to the running and get to the
crash site; otherwise press enter to continue
PID: 14318

I looked into the above function, and found that GEMS1.4 and GEMS2.1 have the same assertion. I don't know why it failed in GEMS2.1. Any idea?

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