[Gems-users] MOESI_SMP_LOGTM protocol question

Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 22:10:16 -0700
From: cge@xxxxxxxx
Subject: [Gems-users] MOESI_SMP_LOGTM protocol question
in the MOESI SMP LOGTM directory cache protocol(version 1.3), there is a following transition:
transition(MM, Fwd_GETS_T, O) {
Since Fwd_GETS_X event will be generated instead of Fwd_GETS_T if the cache entry's m_write field is false, the above transition seems to imply that a cache entry can be in
a MM state with the m_write field to be false.
Is a cache entry's m_write always true if the cache entry is in MM state because MM
means the entry is dirty and locally modified?


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