Re: [Gems-users] Tourmaline and scheduling

Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 12:25:20 +0100
From: Matthew James Horsnell <horsnelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Tourmaline and scheduling

Many thanks for your explanation, that certainly clears up what
remaining questions I had about the scheduling.

Kind Regards,


Jayaram Bobba wrote:
> Matt,
> We generally do the following for studying TM workloads
> - Create processor sets with a 1-1 mapping between processors and sets.
> - After threads are created, they are first bound to one of these 
> processor sets.
> - They then synchronize on a barrier spinning for all the threads to be 
> scheduled at least once
> and bound to their respective processor set.
> - Start simulating with ruby after the barrier is crossed by 'a' 
> particular thread.
> By the end of these steps, all the threads should have a unique 
> processor to be scheduled on. Hopefully
> they are also scheduled and spinning on the barrier/crossed the barrier 
> when we start timing simulation.
> In our experience kmeans has a very low transactional duty cycle. So 
> even with transactional threads executing
> simultaneously, you would see only one thread in transactions at a time. 
> You might want to contact the authors
> of STAMP regarding the low duty cycle. Hope this helps.
> Jayaram
> Matthew James Horsnell wrote:
>> Dan/Derek,
>> Thanks for your reply. I guess I probably didn't phrase my question well
>> enough. I appreciate that no performance results in LogTM were presented
>> using the tourmaline module. However, my question is equally applicable
>> to the Gems-Ruby modules; do you in any way alter the OS thread
>> scheduling policy in Solaris?. Using tourmaline, and although the ruby
>> modules will add timing delays, I see very infrequent overlapping of
>> transactional threads, mainly do to the influence that the OS scheduling
>> policy appears to have on the way the transactional threads are
>> scheduled. For example on a 4 processor system, I rarely see all
>> processors executing transactionally, and for long periods of time, only
>> one processor is executing a transactional thread.
>> Perhaps I am misunderstanding something, but currently with the OS
>> scheduling the transactional threads (in my case running the STAMP
>> kmeans benchmark) I hardly see any concurrency, not due to aborted
>> transactions but rather because the operating system is rarely choosing
>> to scheduling multiple transactional threads concurrently.
>> Any more information would be gratefully received,
>> Matt
>> Derek Hower wrote:
>>> Reply from Dan Gibson:
>>> Tourmaline is a functional transactional memory simulator, which is  
>>> intended to have extensible behavior for future expansion. Its  
>>> default behavior makes no attempt to model a realistic timing nor  
>>> interleaving of transactions -- it simply provides the bare minimum  
>>> implentation of atomicity in the most trivial, simulator-magic way  
>>> possible -- by literally disabling all (other) processors.
>>> To my knowledge, the released version of tourmaline has never been  
>>> used to collect viable research data -- it is a tool intended to  
>>> enable warm-up of transactional applications, as well as to  
>>> facilitate debugging of transactional applications seperate from the  
>>> debugging of the timing simulator.
>>> If you are interested in looking at running concurrent threads, you  
>>> should look into implementing sub-classes of TransactionController,  
>>> which Tourmaline uses to guarantee atomicity of transactions. There  
>>> is a how-to guide in the README for tourmaline, called the  
>>> 'Transaction Controller Cookbook'.
>>> Please note that the /timing/ runs for the LogTM family of work all  
>>> used Ruby, not Tourmaline. However, tourmaline is a viable tool for  
>>> (much) longer simulations at the cost of some timing fidelity.
>>> Regards,
>>> Dan
>>> On Sep 28, 2007, at 3:37 AM, horsnelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've been looking at the code inside the tourmaline TM module of  
>>>> the gems
>>>> package. I'm trying to run some benchmarks, in particular the  
>>>> stamp-0.9.4
>>>> benchmarks, and wondered if you could comment on the scheduling  
>>>> policy and
>>>> how you have used tourmaline, or gems in general, to generate your
>>>> results.
>>>> I can see in the tourmaline code, that when you begin a transaction  
>>>> you
>>>> disable interrupts in the processor registers, which means that  
>>>> until the
>>>> transaction resolves it cannot be interrupted. You switch back on
>>>> interrupts when the transaction commits or aborts.
>>>> Is it not the case that the operating system threads will  
>>>> interleave with
>>>> the transactions, competing for the cpu time? Do you prevent this from
>>>> happening by changing the scheduling policy in the OS, or do you  
>>>> measure
>>>> your results in some other manner? The reason I ask, is that when  
>>>> running
>>>> say a 4 threaded application, on a 4 cpu architecture, transactions
>>>> infrequently overlap as they are scheduled according to the OS.  
>>>> Ideally
>>>> I'd like the transactional threads to run as concurrently as  
>>>> possible to
>>>> look at the interactions between them.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Matt Horsnell
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