Re: [Gems-users] Load Checkpoint - The default .Check files missing

Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 15:04:51 -0600
From: Derek Hower <drh5@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Gems-users] Load Checkpoint - The default .Check files missing
Those checkpoint files are not included in the GEMS release.  You can, however generate them by running the naked checkpoint scripts located in GEMS/checkpoints.  After generating them, you can change the simics scripts to point to your checkpoints (instead of golden-?p.check)


On Nov 24, 2007, at 2:57 PM, Dinagar Raghunathan wrote:

Hi all,


After installing GCC-3.4.4 and few modification, I am able to compile Opal in my X86 machine.


Now, got stuck in one of the following step, Load Checkpoint


Here, I have to execute “simics> read-configuration ../../checkpoints-u3/golden-1p.check”. But the .check files weren’t generated at all by default. Whether we have to create golden-1p.check? If it comes along with SIMICS, then what is the command to generate them? Or can you please send me the folder “checkpoints-u3”.




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