[Gems-users] Wind Tunnel or GEMS?

Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 10:31:27 -0500 (EST)
From: Fengguang Song <song@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Wind Tunnel or GEMS?
Dear GEMS Team,

I checked the document of GEMS but was not sure whether
GEMS supports DSM or not. All the examples described
in the slides are SMP systems. I know Wind Tunnel could
do it. But since it is not active any more, I hope to
build a system on GEMS. Is it possible to create
a NUMA DSM based on GEMS? My work is to build a heterogeneous
DSM system (different CPU too).

Do you suggest I try Wind Tunnel or GEMS? If GEMS has a
different goal from Wind Tunnel, perhaps I should try
Wind Tunnel. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Thanks much,
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