[Gems-users] Message size, link weight, bash code

Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 16:56:59 -0500
From: "Lide Duan" <leaderduan@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Gems-users] Message size, link weight, bash code
I have got some questions when reading the network source code.

1. In Throttle.C, the function network_message_to_size() uses a constant MESSAGE_SIZE_MULTIPLIER whose value is 1000 to multiply with the message size. Why do we need this value? I think the message sizes in GEMS should be 8B for control message and 64+8B for data message. But with this value, the message sizes are 1000 times larger. Is that correct?

2. What dese the link weight mean in network code? Basically we have three properties in a link: latency, bandwidth and weight. I noticed by default the link weight was set to the same as latency, but it has been used when calculating the routing route. So I am a little confused about the weight.

3. In the wakeup function of Throttle.C, there is a piece of Bash code. I am wondering what it's used for.

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