[DynInst_API:] Resarch staff positions open at UW

Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 14:50:24 -0500
From: Barton Miller <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [DynInst_API:] Resarch staff positions open at UW
Hi all. I have openings for two full-time staff researchers at Wisconsin on
security projects funded by both DHS and NSF. In general, I'm looking for
people with reasonable systems programming experience (security experience
is a plus but not required; that we can train). I can consider candidates
across a variety of experience levels and degrees.  These are very cool
projects related to vulnerability assessment techniques for systems,
services, and middleware. 

The first position is part of our new DHS-funded Software Assurance
Marketplace (SWAMP) Research Facility. The SWAMP is building a new
infrastructure to help improve the security of open source software and
the effectiveness of software analysis tools.  This will be a major
national facility at the center of many other security activities.
See www.cosalab.org.

The second position is part of our NSF-funded MIST project, developing
new technologies for software vulnerability assessment.  We're working on
new assessment tools and techniques, and apply these techniques to many
real-world systems.  We also work in major industrial groups, transitioning
our technology.  See www.cs.wisc.edu/mist.

The job listings are available at:

  For SWAMP is:

  for MIST is:

If you know someone who might be interested in these positions, please pass this
notice along.  I'm happy to answer questions about the projects and positions.

best,                  --bart
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