Re: [DynInst_API:] oneTimeCode() and exit callbacks

Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 10:40:57 -0500
From: Andrew Bernat <bernat@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [DynInst_API:] oneTimeCode() and exit callbacks
On Apr 4, 2013, at 8:36 AM, David Smith <dsmith@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yes, I believe that output is from the correct point in the program's

Then it's an excellent question as to what we actually executed. 

... argh, this isn't controlled by an environment flag. It should be. 

Can you edit dyninstAPI/src/dynProcess.C, line 2127 (should be // DEBUG) and remove the #if 0 /#endif pair? Then set DYNINST_DEBUG_SIGNAL as well as DYNINST_DEBUG_PROCCONTROL and send me the output? That will print a disassembly of the RPC so that I can check it. 


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