Summer Changes at CHTC

Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 17:39:12 +0000
From: chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Summer Changes at CHTC

Greetings CHTC users,


We hope everyone had a successful end of semester and congratulations to those who graduated this past month! We have a few general announcements and updates for everyone as we look forward to the summer: 

  • Office Hours Once a Week
    • Over the summer, our office hours will switch from twice-a-week to once-a-week. From May 28 through August 27, we are canceling our Tuesday office hour. 
    • Depending on demand and summer holidays/conferences, there may be occasional changes to this schedule - we will send updates to this email address when these occur. 
  • Operating System Transition in Progress
    • We continue to upgrade the operating systems of our machines from CentOS Stream 8 (EL8) to CentOS Stream 9 (EL9) on both the HTC and HPC systems. 
    • Information on the transition for the HTC system is in our HTC transition guide. Join us TODAY (May 20) from 1-3pm in the Discovery Building for assistance in transitioning your jobs. 
    • More information on the HPC system transition will be sent in a separate email later this week.
  • System Updates via Status Page
    • We are using a new tool called Statuspage as an alternative to email notifications for reporting/ tracking outages and maintenance on CHTC systems: 
    • Note that Statuspage is still updated manually, so during non-business hours, it may not be fully up-to-date. We will also continue to email this mailing list for significant or notable outages. 
  • Updates to the CHTC Website
    • We are in the process of updating some of the features and organization of the UW Research Computing section of the CHTC website. Take a look at the new landing page and stay tuned for additional changes over the next few months: 


Wishing you all a summer full of productive research computing! 



CHTC Facilitation Team

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