HPC (hpclogin3) maintenance scheduled for Oct. 12

Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2023 18:03:50 +0000
From: chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: HPC (hpclogin3) maintenance scheduled for Oct. 12

Greetings CHTC users, 

This message is for users of our HPC cluster. 

The HPC system (accessed through `hpclogin3.chtc.wisc.edu`) will undergo maintenance Thursday, October 12th. Users will be unable to login or submit jobs during this maintenance period. 

To prevent jobs from being interrupted, any job with a run time that will overlap with Thursday’s maintenance will not be allowed to start until after the maintenance period.  Such jobs will remain idle in the queue with the reason “ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance”.  This can be avoided by either reducing the run time limit (specified using `#SBATCH --time=days-hh:mm:ss`) or waiting for the end of the maintenance period.

Please direct any questions or concerns to chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx


CHTC Facilitation Team

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